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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Because of my huge addiction to Pinterest (I'm sure most of you suffer from Pinterest-pandamonia as well) I've turned into Suzy the Homemaker in a slightly crazy way.  After seeing so many people making their own laundry detergent (you said WHAT!) I decided to hop on the bandwagon. Verdict: best (of many) decision EVER!

NOTE: This picture shows essential oils (lavendar & tea tree).  These are not neccessary unless you want the added fragrance.  I use Purex Crystals (not pictured) in place of the oils.

2 Cups Fels Naptha
1 Cup Borax
1 Cup Washing Soda
1 Cup Purex Crystals or Downy Unstoppables

This is just a trial version of the laundry soap.  If you wanted to go all out, just quadruple the recipe (aka make as big of a batch that you want.  1 bar of Fels Naptha equals around 2 cups)

Anyhow-- You want to grate the soap.  If you've got a bad-ace blender you could use that, otherwise just grate it with a cheese grater while watching reruns of Sex & the City.  Mix all the ingredients together and keep in a large bowl in your laundry room.  

Best thing about this laundry soap: (2 things actually) You only need TWO TABLESPOONS per FULL load & it smells FANTASTIC!  

Try out this website to get more information:

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