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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cherry Pie

I owed a friend of mine's husband a favor for fixing my car a while back and his only request was a homemade cherry pie.  6 months later and he got his request.  You can't really beat cherries at $2.88/lb!  So I set off to trusty ole' Pinterest to find a cherry pie.  I realized a few different things when I looked for a recipe for cherry pie: 1. Pitting cherries is not a fun job and 2. There are a million different cherry pie recipes!  I mashed a few together and will tweak it next time because it was a little watery but AWESOME nonetheless!

First off, I pitted my cherries by using a toothpick.  Once you pull the stem out of the cherry, take a toothpick and poke the pit.  From there you'll want to run the toothpick around the pit and pop it out.  It sounds easy, huh?  Yeah...not so much.

Cherry Pie

(2) 9" pie shells
2 lbs cherries, pitted
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
3 tbs flour
1/2 cup cherry limeade
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 cup sugar

Place your first shell in your pie plate.  Mix all other ingredients together and pour into the pie shell.  Cover with second pie shell and brush with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour.


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