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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Mason Jar Soap Pump

So I was browsing through my Pinterest folders today and came across these Mason Jar Pumps.  I was already going to have the HB make me these Mason Jar To Go Cups so I made sure to grab extra Jars from the store to use. I've got a basement full of jars but Ball has come out with these new Vintage Blue jars and they are too cute!  

What you'll need

Pair of needle nosed pliers
Mason jar with lid and ring
x acto knife
super glue
pump from soap bottle

First thing you'll want to do is make an "x" with your x acto knife in the center of your jar lid.  Take your screwdriver and poke a hole in the center of your "x" then take the pliers to open up the hole to where your pump will go. This doesn't need to be an exact circle because your pump will cover it up.

Take your super glue and glue the lid to the ring and let it dry completely.  Don't put it on your jar just yet because the ring will stick to your jar and it will be a big me on this.  

Once that's all said and done glue your pump to your lid and screw the ring on the jar.  And you're through! 

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