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Monday, March 4, 2013

Couponing 101--The Filing Method

Would you love to coupon but thinks it takes up way too much time?  Does the thought of clipping every coupon in the Sunday paper freak you out?  Do you think your stores don't have good enough deals to coupon?  What about all that stuff you see about stockpiling at the drug stores yet you don't have a drug store in your town?  Fear no more!  I'm here to help!  Well...I'll try to at least.  

One reason I started this blog was to help people save money like my favorite coupon bloggers have helped me. This is my method of organization:  The Filing Method.

This is my filing method and it takes far less time than the binder method which has you clip all the coupons and file them under several different categories.  (Pay no attention to the tabs that are on the accordion, they were for a previous project.)

I buy at least 3-4 Sunday papers and the first thing I do when I get home is write the date on them and they go in my file organizer.  Another place I get my coupons is  This is a great source for coupons and you don't have to leave your home to get them!  Grocery store deals start in my area start on Wednesday and end on Tuesday; Drug Store deals start on Sunday and end on Saturday; Wal*Mart & Target deals start on Sunday and end on Saturday.

The coupon database is my best friend and Collin over at Hip2Save helps me out so much! Hers was the first site I used 3 years ago and it's still my favorite coupon site to this day.  Okay, back to saving!  So once I circle what I think I'm gonna need that week for my meals, I type in the products there might be coupons for into the coupon database and it will tell you if there is a coupon for that particular item and also tell you what insert it is in.  From there I clip that certain coupon and file it in my smaller accordion so I'll have it when I get to the store. 

My filer that is always with me
On average I spend maybe 2 hours a week looking through the deals and clipping my coupons for the grocery store and drug stores.  I think anybody can spare a couple of hours to save a ton of money.  I know I probably didn't answer all of your questions here in this post but it's a lot to take in if you're a beginner couponer and it can be overwhelming so it's best to take baby steps.

Happy Couponing!

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